Cerf-Volant Club de France

Région Hors Métropole

Region outside metropolitan France

Délégué / representative

Christian BECOT
108, rue Mederic
50110 Tourlaville, France
Tél. :  (33) 233 43 34 54

à copier svp





Allemagne          Japon               Suisse
Germany             Japan                Switzerland
                   Martinique            Réunion
        Martinique           Reunion island
En 2019  il y avait 5 adhérents hors métropole.
In 2019 there were 5 members outside metropolitan France.

Mise à jour janvier 2020
 Updated Januay 2020

Cerf-volant is the French word for kite.

Would you need some information about kiting,
or about
our associationCerf-Volant Club de France,
let us know through our representative and we will answer to you.

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